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Tag: Holy Spirit

Denominations: Division in the Body of Christ

In Christianity today, there are 40,000 denominations (factions) that share the faith but are segregated into groups by their own differences in practices and beliefs. Judaism was the first monotheistic religion known to man, but the Gentiles (Non-Jewish) established a church in Antioch during the reign of the Roman Empire into the Byzantine Empire. There […]


So many times, people define themselves by what they do for a living or what they do for fun. Others find their identity in what people say about them or in mistakes they have made. For those like myself who have a criminal record, identifying with the things that have been said about me and […]

Divide The Cure from The Poison

Sanctification is defined in more than one way: in Old Testament it means to make sacred; consecrate. In the New Testament it is described as a transformation and purification, a process in which we become more Christ-like. When we get saved, most of us are or have been taught that the “fruits of the spirit” […]


God’s love is phenomenal. His mercy is great. That is reassuring to know. But the Lord also knows that there are people whom, no matter what He does to reach them, just will not repent of their sins. They continue to drink, fight, curse, carouse, practice sexual perversion, endorse abortion, practice racism, steal, rob, covet, […]


You sometimes may hear a fellow believer say, “The Bible says that in the last days you won’t be able to tell the seasons apart.” With all the hype about climate change, this statement seems to have gained in popularity in the last couple of decades. But where do people get this from, and does […]


Sometime back I wrote about how nature itself testifies of God, providing Scriptural evidence of this as well. This time I want to zero in on one specific item in His amazing creation: The atom. We have heard about atoms most of our lives, studied about them in school, and so on. Let’s take another […]

Do Not Cling to Loss

I am mother of two, once cursed with miscarriages in between each success. I have lost a child three times but gained two beautiful daughters. When women talk about this subject expect tears or bitterness. The loss of a child to a woman is like losing a part of who she is, it is beyond […]


Death is a very unpleasant subject to talk about. However, we’ve all been impacted by it at one time or another. We’ve lost family members, friends, pets, potted plants, and on it goes. As ugly as it is, death is a fact of life. Even if you have excellent health, longevity in your family history, […]


God has some amazing attributes. People often think of His almighty power or of His total knowledge of everything and everyone. There are those who also contemplate God’s presence everywhere. But how about the fact that the Lord is both infinite and unchanging? Those are interesting to ponder upon as well. First, for the infinite […]

Do Demons Discuss their Schemes?

Many people have witnessed exorcisms on video or in-person, but do demons speak to the preachers delivering the individual? The answer is yes, they absolutely can, and they will if commanded to in the name of Jesus Christ. I myself have witnessed it and been subject to deliverance and had demons cast out of me. […]