David B. Fore is the Founder and Lead Minister of It Ain’t Over Ministries. He was Born in Birmingham, AL, moved at the age of 8 years old to and was raised in Northeast GA. At the age of 24, David was sentenced to 5 years’ incarceration in the Georgia State Penitentiary and the next 15 years on Probation in Northwest GA. While incarcerated, David was “Born Again”, Baptized in water and filled with (baptized in) the Holy Spirit and received the gift of tongues in June of 2003. He has completed numerous Bible studies, led Bible studies for other inmates, participated in many different Ministerial activities, programs and church functions while incarcerated such as KAIROS and the Bill Glass, weekend of champions. He graduated from the United Christian Bible Institute with a Diploma in “General Bible Knowledge I & II” with a G.P.A. of 99.06%. He was also enrolled in the Automotive Repair Technician Training Program offered in prison and graduated that program with a “Certificate of Completion” for the 1200-hour course work and hands on experience later becoming the “Teaching Assistant”, assisting other inmates with the course work and hands on experience, and maintaining the prisons vehicles. After being released from incarceration, David applied for and received his “Certificate of Ordination” from World Christianship Ministries, Fresno, CA along with the consecrated title of “Minister”, an “Honorary Doctorate of Divinity Degree” and a “Church Charter” from the same issuing Ministry in 2007. Further education all incapsulates his journey to further the Christian Faith in the style of the New Testament Apostolic Orthodox Church as found in the New Testament of the Bible and in the first 3 centuries of the history of the Church. He studied to further his ministerial credentials and career by enrolling with The Prophetic Voice Institute and working hard and diligently to obtain a “Diploma in Discipleship” in April of 2015; a “Diploma in the Deaconate” in April of 2016; and a “Diploma in Ministry” in November of 2017.
David spent quite a number of years after his release from prison looking, searching and visiting many (hundreds) of Churches in his local tri-county area, looking for one that matched the New Testament standards in practice set forth in the Bible. Finally, after many unfruitful years of frustration, David finally found a Church that resembled New Testament Christianity, “Three Rivers Christian Assembly”. This awesome Church has since updated its name to, “Full Gospel of Christ Church”, a name that is rather befitting of the way in which they practice and live out their Faith, The Faith that was once delivered unto the Saints! David joined this Church in the spring of 2014, got married to his awesome, wonderful, beautiful wife, Jamie L. Fore on August 17, 2017, who is his best friend, soulmate, helpmate, life-mate and partner in Ministry. He was the first to be Ordained under the new title of “Full Gospel of Christ Church” on December 03, 2017, by Pastor Brian Fike.
It’s sad that we have to insert here, that the Church mentioned above has since went the way of the world, meaning that it is no longer a Church that David attends, and one he no longer supports. David was turned away from this Church after having served there for roughly 13 years, off and on. We won’t go into the details of why or what it is about this Church that causes us to say that it has gone off the rails. If you’d like further information concerning this situation, you may reach out to David using the “Contact” form on this website.
David was tarred and feathered with the title of “Convicted Felon” at the sentencing of his crime, but he has not allowed that to stop him from what God has called, appointed, anointed, assigned and ordained for him to accomplish before he is called home in his transition to Glory to ever be with the Lord of Glory! David continues to study the Bible, Christian Counseling, Church History, Christian/Biblical Psychology and walks in the fullness of Holy Spirit in the Ministry of Deliverance and is passionate to help see the captives set free in Jesus’ Name. He is in the process of starting up a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization that will specialize in Transitional Ministry, helping those incarcerated with the basic human necessities of food, clothing, shelter and the myriad of other needs that this special group of people will need in order to give them unconditional love, help and a hand up to become productive members of society that we all need everyone to attain to. He is stepping out in the journey of starting the nonprofit with his wonderful wife, Jamie Fore and best friend, James Burch, who God also called to this Ministry while incarcerated.