Deuteronomy 17-19 Reflection:
In levitical law there are forbidden forms of worship. I never realized prior to my deeper study this year and personal experiences that there are different types of "unauthorized fires" we can burn so to speak. Worship is not only obedience, it means surrendering ourselves and offering our BEST. It is an abomination before the Lord our God to offer an animal sacrifice with blemish or defect and its the same under the New Covenant with our own hearts and actions. Naturally in Old Testament we see the clear cut command not to serve other gods because God is a jealous God. I wonder what the Catholics would have to say about their "veneration" with statues. Idolatry isn't always so obvious though. There are those that say whatever you wake up and think to do first is your "idol." I wouldn't say iced coffee is an idol though. What this means is whatever you are prioritizing before the WORD. It's what you place importance on and if it is interfering with your walk with and in Christ. Anything can become an idol through addiction. God should be the ONLY ruler of your heart, mind, and soul. Blemished/defective animal sacrifices are such a severe offense under levitical law that that person is regarded evil and should be purged from the midst of their people. That means even death. Now the only death sentence we would receive is through our own sin because the wages of sin is death. A (righteous) justice system is also established, placing priests and judges as the "judge, jury, and executioner." This was ordained by God that one rebelling against the authority of what God ordained to receive the punishment in accordance of their sin. The Lord knew that the Israelites also desired someone to follow that was also ordained by God outside of the priesthood and judges, so rules were set into place for a king of the people. This was to establish and maintain order. Remember how much these people complained. The Lord appoints a king to be overseer of them in the natural whereas the Lord is our overseer in the supernatural. When we read about kings and queens in our history books you can see that the divine pattern God instituted was broken.
Requirements for a God ordained king:
- Called by God
- Kin NOT a foreigner
- Only the king can be a conquerer under God's guidance.
- Be humble
- All laws he writes MUST BE approved by the levitical priests.
- He must always revere the Lord.
- Always worship the Lord.
- Never practice the sin of partiality.
- Know the Lord is Lord. King of Kings including this king.
GOD makes it clear that the king will be blessed and live long and prosper if he abides in all these rules. Long live the king as long as he worships.