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Day 70 - March 11, 2025

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Deuteronomy 14-16 Reflection:

Some specific commands are outlined in these chapters of Deuteronomy concerning principles such as: what meat is clean/unclean to eat, tithing, the different feasts, Passover and further explanation of the Sabbath and the Sabbatical year. As I explained in previous passages, the Holy Bible is a guide for everything. My husband said it goes beyond child rearing and faith, it is a "cookbook." It contains recipes for medicine, food, anointing oil, and incense. The Scripture offers detailed descriptions of each thing and how it can be done by the "book." The Good Book that is. Look to Proverbs 3:5-6. The Lord knows best, He created us after all. If we all collectively as Christians were washed with the living waters (the Word) daily as we should be by reading and studying we would know we have all strayed so far from the truth. For example: tithing is used today in modern churches as a way to not only provide for a church building's light bills but to fund missions trips, but it can also be abused to line the pickpocket preacher's own pockets so he can carry a Gucci Bible case. The tithe isn't for the Gentiles. It never was. Should we be "hilarious givers?" Certainly but we aren't going to hell or going to be blessed less for not giving money in the offering plate. In fact originally tithing was regarded in an agricultural sense and was giving first fruits, the best of the crops. A tithe of grain, a tithe of wine, a tithe of oil, a tithe of the firstborn from a flock or herd. Honestly we should always minister out our abundance. Blessing others as we have been blessed. Today, we should give as able as a love offering to the Lord, and if that means funding a mission trip to bring the Gospel to a foreign nation then by all means do so if led. If that means cooking breakfast in the kitchen and distributing to the poor that's what it means. So long as we feed them spiritually too. As we present ourselves living sacrifices, when we serve others we are serving the Lord. We do as the Lord leads, we are being obedient. Some are called to financially support ministries to provides more opportunities for outreach and resources to the less fortunate. It's giving our best, our time, our effort, our resources God's agape love. Whatever that may mean, but that's up to God not man. 

David reacted